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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  November 18, 2019 6:00am-9:00am EST

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protests yesterday. incomes advocate jimmy lie is with new live coming up from hong kong mommiesesses from rigt now. futures pointing to gain start trade aring nos record and dow industrial looking at a firm earl tone of 60 points and nasdaq future high per at 14.5. this on top of a big rally on friday on trade hope and strong earnings as well and three major indices at record territory uncharted territory and the dow breaking 28 thowx for first time ever with a gain of 222 points on the session on friday. the s&p and nasdaq also strong going into the weekend. thinking world with largest ipo valuing ipo up to 1.7 trillion dollars yes with a trk and then this elizabeth warren vocalizing her support for singer taylor swiflt massachusetts senator in 2020 democratic contender e defending pop star over her feud with former record label. she sayses has a plan with that
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if she becomes president mornings with maria beginsing right now. >> all right we've got a big show this morning joining the conversation mitch rochelle is here and president and pat centers the author of persuasion lee carter is here and entrepreneur great to see you thanks so much for joining us. good to have you back. kevin we want to talk about growth stories this morning but we have to kib this hour office on violence overnight police clashing with protesters at the hong kong polytechnical university authority have tried to storm the campus. but were stopped by firessed a entrance. police surrounded disool firing tears gas arresting those trying to leave. this is hong kong court rules mask ban is unconstitutional. joining me right now is found or of next digital and the advocate of democracy, jimmy advocate
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thanks very much for joining me this morning had. >> good morning. >> can you tell what you say went with on overnight a sense of what the scene look like today and what's happening in hong kong? >> it is really serious you know it is like a battle like that's why you said in their campus. now, still about 800 students is still in the campus by the police, anybody who comes out with arrest of you know while nb who comes out. so this is very serious. and you know we still hear , you know, fighting as tear gas or -- rubble bullets all of that and the fire and student is hurling bombs so it is going on. i -- but i think we shouldn't be, you
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know, it will be end because it was food, water, and order you know, disaster and -- >> jimmy tell me what people want today because you know, from an outsiders view someone might say look, the extradition bill has been put to rest we're not seeing that. what is china doing to continue to show authoritarianism and worrying protesters and aren't feeling better about the situation today? >> well, because first, because the police has indicate people to respond in violation. you know this is a problem. and also is because people cannot trust the chinese anymore. without the universal suffrage we know that our e free them and we'll always be encroached and i think this time this student got trapped. you know, fall into trap of the
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police because of few days ago, there was also a surveillance from test in university that university is in the outskirt and is surrounded by mountains. so the student can go anywhere they like. but this polytechnic university is in the city. once the police and nobody can come out. and anybody who comes in will be arrest by the police. and i think that the police, i don't know -- i'm just you know i'm just guessing you know trying to stir up the surveillance or protesters to respond in violence so a lot of young people can came to the aid and
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now all are tracked inside the university. so i think that police track them and wanted to -- at once arrest a lot of those students. >> you know, the force from the beijing state is pretty incredible chinese soldiers leaving hong kong bare for first time helping clear streets of debris. was this symbolic to saned signal about china military strength in hong kong how did you see it? >> i'm sure it is symbolic and also you know because they are doing something very mundane. that they want people to get used to them coming out had is illegal for them. for them to come out to -- the hong kong affair so you know i think this is very symbolic and that's why you know the press here and everybody is, you know, protest eking about the
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coming out even if they're trying to clean up the road. this is not their job. giving significance of mask being unconstitutional i know you have security cameras all over the place in hong kong, and facial recognition trying to identify everybody who is at those, those rallies. and do you think bay yin is going to be forced to deploy more troops in a forceful manner? >> no i don't think so. i don't think they would do that especially when the war with the u.s. still going on and i don't think at this situation in china when the economy is lying that they would do something like this to risk -- the well i don't think they would do it. i think they have to depend on the 30,000 they have here to suppress, you know, the resistance. >> jimmy is this all going hong
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kong my is now in recession. there have been fatalities here. the world is viewing hong kong differently than we viewed hong kong in the past. how does this end? >> right. >> we don't know how it is going to pepped but definitely when the violation has created in both sides it is going toe end very soon. you know, the violation the grace that they come to a point of expulsion if that comes it will end. i hope that after this episode in the polytechnic or -- the university something will come down because we have an election on 24th. i hope after the election, if democrats we at least have the majority i think people will be more calmed down because they can see that we can have two to
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resist the government one is in the legislation, and another is on the street. so we have two channel as to do that. we don't have to be extreme. if we can tend to go to the extreme of violence that might end. >> and real quick on that election do you think you'll see a fair election. we know that universal suffrage is something you've wanted from the start. go ahead. >> i think it is going to be fair and only thing i worry that violence from also turns some people disgusted that may turn more and a bit back to the other side instead of you know we were thinking that there would be overwhelming on or side and i
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don't think this will be -- what will be the result. >> all right leave it there thank you for your courage and leadership good to talk to you live in hong kong right now and turn to market we are poised for another record-breaking session and china ministry of commerce says u.n. china had constructive trade talkses over the weekend and what are you expecting? >> i'm loving the market right now and fantastic earnings say we're going to slow down and it doesn't happen and seeing benefits of domestic markets changes of trump put in place many, many, many months ago rrms on regulations that are now showing up in earnings that's what i think. tax reform hasn't had an impact yet so i'm excited about next yore and frankly if we just get this light trade deal just the financial services -- that boost the secker to that's been falling behind for two years now. that's why you're seeing financials moving i'm liking everything right now, and reason the market doesn't care about
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hong kong is the truth about that very few people are in that little rally. you know we get press shots or tight very closeups of riding student but there weren't that many of them. >> there was a big portion of the overall population in hong kong that came out from the beginning two million people and that was the beginning but now these weekend rallies we want to call them and not insensitive to students but market doesn't care for a specific reason it is not going to impact earnings clings not going to crush them and world is watching and i think everyone makes assums past election this will not be a factor. >> we'll see about that. i think that hong kong has to be a pressure for xi jinping but economy is doing really well at 50 year unemployment on jobs. you've got deregulation really having an impact yet all you see in the media is about impeachment and these negative stories about president trump. >> yeah. absolutely, except that american
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people don't, don't see it the same way when you look at a lot of polling there's some really interesting articles especially in some of the battle ground state. people aring looking at the economy people people are feeling good about it and not feeling necessarily good about impeachment hearing and in all polling across the board there was no change and how people are feeling that people hated the president before. they continue to hate him and like the president an continuing to support him and aren't sure they're still unsure there's nothing out there that's really moved the people at this point. the economy, though, is a really strong suit for most people out there. >> looks like we're going to end the year strong in the fourth quarter. >> absolutely. consumer is darling of the economies and low unemployment very low unemployment and low inflation and shop for the the holiday and it should be strong. >> let's talk saudi arabia on the evaluation there as much as some hoped for and thanks but no
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thanks hewlett-packard and find out what was behind that when we come back. stay with us. (people talking) for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays local. shop small and watch it add up. small business saturday by american express is november 30th.
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(people talking) for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays local. shop small and watch it add up. small business saturday by american express is november 30th. welcome back another mass shooting overnight cheryl casone on headlines now. >> maria so sunday night it was a tragedy for people dead at least five wounded after a mass shooting at a home in fresno, california, family and friends were in backyard of the home l watching the rams bears game when shots began to rang out. police are now searching for the shooter. well hp is rejecting a propose takeover from xerox but leaving the the door open for a deal to
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maybe combine the two companies. hp says the 33 billion dollar offer is too low and when involved too much debt our charlie is reporting that due diligence could start immediately. plus hb and xerox are facing public challenges as demand falls for printed documents in inc. that play again. ford is big on electric and unveiling rival and it is a mustang big reveal of the mock e. taking place ahead of the los angeles autoshow, this all happened last night by the way. the suv range can go up to 300 miles on some of its moldses. taking a look at ford in premarket stocks up a little more than one percent. pretty cool car. and let's stay request this. because cruising number one ford versus ferrari win at box office an estimated 31 million dhars the film beat world war ii movie mid-way. and in the charlies angel reboot came in at number 3. i'll send it back to you guys i
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didn't see any of them. but because christmas is started in my life so you know -- i got things to do. >> in our lives cheryl thank you. quick break and focus on big oil and prepares with a trillion dollar evaluation. plus -- why some say it is not even enough we're going to take a look next and unlikely allies over her music rights. to elizabeth warren's fight over private equity. wait until you hear this one. back in a minute. ♪ what if numbers tell only half the story? at t. rowe price, hundreds of our experts go beyond the numbers to examine investment opportunities firsthand.
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welcome back preparing to go public with a hefty evaluation up to 1.7 trillion dollars. this is world largest ipo ever but evaluation coming in short of the two trillion dollars promised by crown prince muhammad joining us right now is phil flynn from price futures group and renaissance founder kathleen smith so let me kick it off with you your reaction tell us how it impacts the oil market. >> i think all of the king sources and king's men couldn't get 2 trillion e evaluation that crown prince because there's a lot of risk out there. you know despite the fact of this being the world most profitable oil company there's concern about the credibility of the saudi government especially after the killing of the washington post reporter. you know, of course, you have concerns about global climate change, and you know other concerns like that that are making this a very risky
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endeavor for them and i think a lot of foreign investors have turned away from this because they are concerned about what oil prices in the so-called peek demand oring for oil that's going to slow downs in future. i don't believe that but a lot of investors do and shying away from the ipo. >> i have investor here on set that says you know what it is looking you want to buy it. >> i will. i will let it trade. this is low essex traction cost on earth under $8 a barrel. the large pest on earth i went to react and just in last 30 days opened electronic visa and anybody can go now. pouping is 70% under age of 30, the print is first step and place is booming. i have such a misconception about that country i'm going long and invest in real estate there and i'm going to invest probably in health care, and oil, and probably entertainment because they don't want people going to rain or debiding or entertainment at home the place
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is so misunderstood. >> really think people are going to go to movie and women are able to drive alone, and those issues can be dcial >> maria i went for extra day to stay is there so i could walk the streets. a lot of people don't understand because it is hot there in the summer the society moves into later hours 4:00 is basically lunch time and at night walking around 11:00. that's a society is so different than the perception people have lots of women working lots of women driving. this place is so misunderstood it trades at a discount i'm going along saudi. >> when we were there i was struck dead i felt like there was nothing to do other than holings. >> not anymore. this was only two year ago. you should see changes. katly let me ask you about broader market because several silicon darling went public including über look at wework others over erratic behavior of the former ceo adam newman and jay joined me on friday last
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week here's what he said about the ipo market. are you concerned that you see evaluation in private market skyrocket? >> put the the ball in liquidity. so much of the growth phase of the companies is occurring away from our main street investor i would love to see our main street investor get in earlier as companies are growing up. the second apartment of your question is, you know are we seeing evaluations that are too high or too low? inevitably in markets people have evaluation mistakes and resets and that happens web and i think some of the ones that we have seep you know, are reflective of people expectations being out of line with the reality. >> so kathi smith what is status of the ipo market right now? >> we say it is very good for investors. we run an index index and that index is up over 30% this year, and over the last two monthses vo significantly outperformed
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the s&p 500. and the reason is that investors aring being very careful about the price they pay for ipo they have a price discerning market we were through a very weak period in july, august -- where the price discovery was very poor and pricing was very poor on über e on lyft, on smile direct and now we've come through that. that's been resolved and the prices for ipo coming out now are very attractive, and with the saudi ipo for example we're not saying premiums on that ipo. and so the way that's being offeredded and if you look at what's happening currently in ipo market your average ipo is priced well e below midpoint of the range and materials are strong this was a good time for investor to be paying attention to the ipo market. >> going to be relatively small listing in saudi. what is that do from a price discover perspective for
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other markets that have made trade-in? >> i think that's a very good point because i think we were all hoping that this ipo would trade in -- other markets if besides the wall, and also the company only issuing 1.5% of the total market cap. that becomes an issue for investors, and in particular because when you have so few when you have so the public ownership their governess issue about who really -- a clearly the government controls this company. and also i think maria mentioned the -- 1.5.7 trillion dollar size, i mean, the tats wall has a market cap of 150 companies of 500 billion. this is interesting that they do it there because i've never traded on that exchange now i'm going to work and due diligence to get a piece of that deal so they're introducing new exchange to world. well that's great except that current exchange is not open to every investor. so you need to qualify to open account there. you need to -- so that would have been far
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better but i think now -- it would very far better for them to have a broader molding market ipo. but it is okay. i think what will happen is they're offering discount to residence of saudi that's nice if they hold on to the stock for six months they'll get extra shares. they price for this also is -- not as attractive as you like if you look at the rest of the oil segment. they're diffed yields are over 5% and this propose, this one has a propose dividend yield below 5%. so you can own otherring energy companieses that, in fact, may have better long-term growth. even though this has a very attractive business -- nowhere near the reserve. nobody has reserves. long reserves and so i think there's a plus and minus here. but the best news for this ipo is going to be to trades in its own market for a while which is fine. and then -- soon it is in a bigger market
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turn more broadly owned and people understand the company better. >> deals that you were looking for that should be god deals for investor. >> looking at the ipo market in general and not a lot of big names but a bill and company and rents hefty the company renold consumer is going to come public and it will be about a billion dollars and there's a brazilian broker firm that's high growth profitable but i guess all eyes are really on air berk and b deal and how that comes out because again that's going to be the price discovery and direct listing another kind of new way of entering the market which hasn't been that successful for other companies that have done it, and so they may not be greatest deal structure no lockup so you have a lot of share. >> what do you expect air berk and berks? first quarter of that great to see you. catlin smith thank you so much for both of you.
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coming up venice under water of city of canal face another day of flooding after a series of exceptionally high tides. plus colin kaepernick latest fumble failing to get an nfl bid after his workouts. weekend, then taylor swift battle over the music rights spilling into elizabeth warren fight over private equity. back in a minute. driverless cars, or trips to mars. no commission. delivery drones, or the latest phones. no commission. no matter what you trade, at fidelity you'll pay no commission for online u.s. equity trades.
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four and nasdaq futures higher by 18 point this morning and uncharted territory once again with the stock rally on friday trade hope and strong earnings all three major indices choseed in uncharted territory record highs for the dow hat 28,4, s&p 31.20. nasdaq 8540 all record highs , in fact, the dow breaking 28,000 for first time ever in europe over this morning we've got a mix story s&p 500 is up 10 point and paris are down 12 and dax index is by 25 market high or across the board take a look with exception of korea best performer there was hong kong up one and third percent over in italy venice is under water this morning authorities declaring state of emergency after another high tide surge the third high tide in just five days. the city suffering the worst flooding on record in venice. colin kaepernick might not make a come back with any offers as
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his workout but it didn't come without controversy. we've got it. and pack your bags holiday travel is on we have tips you need to get the god deal. travel over the holidays all of those stories coming up this monday morn but top stories taylor swift battle with label big machine spilling into the 2020 race. candidate elizabeth warren weighed in tweeting her support for swift over the weekend. writing this unfortunately taylor swift is one of many who does work e threatened be aprivate equity firm. their gobbling up more and more of our economy costing job and crushing entire industry it is time to reign in private equity firms and i have a plan or for that. swift has been at odds with label since the summer when they bought her early music in a sale swift say she was unaware of. joining us right now is fox news judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. >> honest to mercy what her plan is. how typical for her to jump on as somebody like taylor swift and enormous following has a plan for it.
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>> so taylor swift, obviously, sold rights to her performances to a company which sold it to another company which is not used in a way she wants to use them and maximizing return on their investment. what peels warren has to do with this is probably some scheme to tax the people who bought and sd this asset a tremendous asset if they manage it properly it will be worth more at the end of their management than it was at the tbing which is the reason you invest in a vehicle like this. >> but judge nobody can say look i'm selling you this company but this is what i want you to do with it. >> correct. i don't think we would be talking about -- this had elizabeth e warren not made keck to taylor swift elizabeth warren's views of the economy are profound anti-entrepreneurial. inch and selling tear cop. her goal -- then she's a capitalist.
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>> her goal is she gets pressed every weekend with a new plan. >> yes. you think about how she is to get any -- any or the word man. >> she doesn't need a plan. but when maria read the intro. when you read the intro and you were quoting her we all chuckled even you, i have a plan for this. what could the plan be other than to cease it? or to cease a portion of it. to tax and judge give her credit she got a lot of space this weekend. >> yes she did. that's what this is all about trying to stay relevant and plan to tax unrealized gains is against capitalism that's what this is you mark asset that's not liquid and pay tax on it. i don't know how you can monitor that over a huge economy and doesn't make sense. >> how do you value stuff and determine what is down and goes down in value. get a refund? >> don't hold your breath we're getting it right now. exactly we're all talking about she put this stuff out there and we're talking about about it, and the plans themselves is i
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shouldn't say plan themselves but idea behind plan going after very qeat going after the private equity going after -- with democrats absolutely it resonates across the board. now this weekend she took some flak from her own party and wants her to go sin but this is too crazy. but rich people pay too much of the tax. top 10% of earns in this country pay 80% of the tax. so you're not going to squeeze more out of that top ten pets to pay for that. >> we don't know if she's fought through the consequences of this kind of con facing there's not a economy that it works ever in long-term but what it does is suppress the investment by cap xx and that's a big problem that's booming who's going to take a risk with these extreme view that's the challenge all of these candidate. >> taylor swift is in the boot if it is elizabeth warren.
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>> taylor swift work would be worth a lot less physical elizabeth warren got her handle on it. everything would be worth less if she got her handle on it. she could have bought her rights and other than she has no right to complain about that. only i agree with you. let me turn to college admission scandal is people said to be arraigned on wednesday for role many this scam among them lori loughlin and husband very concerned about very severe sentences they could face. judge where are we? >> most severe sentences and federal prosecutor do this to you feds offered everybody a fairly decent deal with a minimal amount of jail time i say a fairly decent a lot of people think this should have been resolved civilly and not criminally they've all been indicted locke linn and husband said whereupon feds indicted them for far graver charges. because they didn't take the plea bargain. how long could they spend in prison? >> she could spend ten years in
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prison which seem ridiculous for what what she did, and yes, and the judge last week sentencedded one of her southern california colleagues to six months in jail. that was the highest sentence. that's what's caused her to try to rethink her not guilty plea, however, it is a little late and they're not going to dismiss no charge he's going to have to confront them or work out a plea deal of some sort involving all of the charges including new one, and the new one is racketeering. which allows them to sees three times from assets. three times amount of money involved. >> unkind this nightmare but saying just kidding i made a mistake. >> i think whether she got bad legal advice or determined to tell a boston jury she thought she was doing the right thing. i don't know. what was going through her head but it is too late to unwind this. >> and compare what others have done, and you know you have to
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wonder why she waited to long. >> the definition of crime for 600 years in included word harm nobody was harmed here. the government argued that when her daughters got to usc two people lost their seats, in fact, that is not true. the -- freshman classes were expanded nobody was really harmed she should hire you. flf >> judge good to see you pleasure thanks so much. there and devastating floods still hitting venice hard. cheryl casone on headlines there. cheryl. cheryl: italian city under water right now good morning again. st. marx square is now closed as venice faced a record with the flooding again. the city remaining under state of emergency water levels have reached nearly 5 feet. the city doing all it can to keep the sea at bay floods are now threatening venice famous land marks including, of course, that well known square. well doubt is being cast on
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recent fda announcement. johnsonjohnson & johnson disputd claims that baby powder contaminated with asbestos and a public contamination of the lab. where tests were done but second lab hired by johnson & johnson found no asbestos and they'll continue to investigate the claims. goes become and forth we should city a stock on premarket a little bit lower. and the nfl saying thanks but no thanks to colin kaepernick the former 49ers quarterback reportedly failed to entice any of the 8 teams that had attended private workout after he decided to host his own he blames nfl for transparency as we should add before relocation of the workout that was reported that 25 team would be sending representatives to the event. and the nfl is one that will arrange initial workout he switched it last minute. weapon from 25 to teams down to 18. and you can probably predict where the story is going. you can. what do you think, mitch? >> if you want to be on a team
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you have to demonstrate you're a team player and when you hijack a league sanction event in do it your own i don't think you're sending that team player message sell a lot of tickets i'll take the other sued and pick him up. what happened with nike when they bought into all of that. the question is -- can he still play football if he can if you're c grade you sell some tickets. hey i'm a capitalist. [laughter] >> take a break when we come back -- dow tops 28,000ed friday we have for another rallied a opening of trading this morning coping an eye on optimism over china trade and bring you headlines there. pack your bags holiday travel in focus and we have tips to get the best deals. stay withs us. back in a minute. look.
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under construction at time flames broke out causing 20 million in damage and flame still smoldering yesterday and yacht sunk to floor of the new river at universal marine center and houston praises rapper kanye west urging otherses to follow kanye's lead. days before rapper kan west special appearance at the the lake wood church yesterday and rapper got attention of the governor greg abbott west and pastor joel ol seen is had a special conversation during the see a.m. service yesterday. and the washington post this morning reports national zoo mix tape bay bay long flight china big move for a proper sendingoff asked for a appropriate mixed tape or for the young giant panda 16 hour flight to china. among the suggestions, bay bay it is cold outside. quick break and problems for disney plus hackers already causing headaches for many users how company is responding right after this. and pack your bags tell you how to get the best deal for the
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holiday buck. that is next. stay with us. pg ♪ ♪ diamonds shine like me. they're strong. they're brilliant. i am a diamond. find beautiful diamond styles for all the diamonds in your life, including you. get 25% off everything.
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something new travel day tuesday? pfnlg so travel day tuesday something that rewe learn about at hopper three or four years by looking through about 50 trillion dla tay point that we have in our archive and what we see is after this thanksgiving holiday weekend there are almost two time as many deals available on the tuesday follow cybermonday than over the whole weekend. >> so where are deals right now? >> right now we're seeing really great deals to some bucket list destinations so fiji sink e pore tokyo many of the airlineses are insent vise to drop prices because most have booked their travel day and not talking about travel plans for the holiday yet. >> to a certain time of year because i know when i can travel for vacation it is e never when there are deals with a peek tile to fill out? >> probably see deals mostly for travel in january, february, early 2020, but if you have a price monitoring tool like hopper you can put in a number of different dates maybe school
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holiday, long weekend, and then we'll sending you a notification when price drops to pick and choose when tools are available. >> let you aggregate services you need you have to get a hotel you may need a car rent those are not so easy to get on deal nobody packages stuff yet do they? so -- on the hopper app we won't have packages available but we do offer car rents and hotels if you are planning a bigger trip think about your total package price. so if you can get a great deal on airfare know what to expect for holes so you don't end out of buck once you get there. >> what what are most popular kind of search or different trends right now to have a bucket list destination but most using for. >> right now we're seeing relax and warm destination to the top of the pile so national tennessee, arizona, want to put your feet up play some golf but international destination
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especially europe and prices are down significantly. so rome, paris, london, some of those bucket list destinations how is the time to go. >> any issue with the boeing 737 max? >> at a macro level we haven't seen prices impact by the boeing grounding, though, we have seen slightly lower capacity through the end of the year. i think where we might see the most impact is 2020 it if capacity can't get back up to growth rate that they expect airlines expected for next year. but so far mostly just some rearranging of roots is what we've seen. >> when you looked a back drop in terms of how many people will travel that's a real indicator for the economy as well what had kind of a holiday season are you expecting? >> once again we're expecting the biggest holiday season for consumer travel -- it grows every year. part of the broader expansion of travel prices are very low right now so it has making travel a lot more accessible for family and different economic status groups. >> any popular places that keep coming up?
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>> croatia and i.c.e. land yeah after "game of thrones," and all of those television shows those two destinations have become very popular. >> what should people look for people ask for what kind of a -- qhar the deals that a lot of people look for and -- things that they countily want that you can alert us to that travelers should keep in mind about? >> the thing that people are have the most anxiety about is paying too much for travel. so it's stressful experience to track prices. you end up by buying a ticket and don't know if you have gotten a great deal so that's why we recommend price tools and airline prices are changing by the second by the minute. so using tool that's going to do the work for you is best way to alleviate that anxiety, and make sure that when you are traveling you're getting good deal. j real quick price goes down and become to airlines to lower your price if you've already bought the ticket? >> on hopper app you mean? >> in general -- typically you're locked in at price you pay but if you do use a you need to change dates if you're using -- maybe plans change.
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contact the airline some times they can be necksable with what they can do for you. haley great to get your insight haley from hopper check this out still ahead former new york city mayor kicks off a like lis campaign with an apology. what he said there, coming up had. and then pups on ice check this out this dog causes an adorable distraction during the golden night game. watch him. cutie pie we've got it all coming up. mornings with maria up next hour. does your broker offer more than just free trades? fidelity has zero commissions for online u.s. equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account. with value like this, there are zero reasons to invest anywhere else. fidelity.
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[maniacal laughter] gold. gold! right, uh...thank you, for that, bob. but i think it's time we go with gbtc. it's bitcoin exposure through a traditional investment account. nice rock. it's time to drop gold. go digital. go grayscale. i need all the breaks, that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ maria: welcome back. good monday morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, november 18. your top stories just before 7:00 a.m. markets rallying once again. we're in unchartered territory. dow futures up 72 points, s&p up
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5 and a quarter, nasdaq up 21. this on top of another record high on wall street on friday. stocks rallying friday on trade hopes and strong earnings. all three major indices closed in record territory. the dow broke 28,000, first time ever, 222 points higher. in europe, fq is up 25, cac is down 8, tax is lower by 11 -- dax is lower by 11. in say sharkasia, mostly green e board. new york times taking at fed ex, in a report claiming that fed ex paid zero dollars in federal taxes last year. fred smith is fighting back, he wants to debate this. then this, danger for disney plus users, hackers already targeting thousands of accounts and putting them up for sale on the dark web. everything you need the to know, coming up. plus, the nhl has a new star, the ice skating dog that stole
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the show and stuck the landing at last night's game, coming up this morning. all those stories coming up. joining me to break it down, mitch rochell, pollster and author of persuasion, lee carter and the entrepreneur kevin o'leary. great to see you guys this morning. what's on your minds? >> i'm fascinated by how little polling has moved since the impeachment hearings began. everybody's talking about it. it's wall to wall coverage. and yet some polls have it moving 1% one way or the other. it's really not making much of a difference. >> i have a thesis about this particular impeachment. it doesn't have a domestic issue. if you think of the classic impeachments, back to nixon, it was all about what was happening in america and the fantastic impeachment which was very entertaining with clinton, i mean, that's a quality impeachment. maria: fantastic impeachment. >> i'm talking about the
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political aspect. this is not a domestic issue. when you think about corruption in ukraine, not to say it's not important, but no one cares and so it's not getting any traction. the market doesn't care. it's not playing well. i tried to watch it. it's boring as hell. maria: the other thing is, they're completely ignoring the wrongdoing that happened in 2016. that's part of it. the ig report we're being told is coming out the first week in decks that's what john -- in december, that's what john ratcliffe told me. doug collins told me early december for the ig report. when that report comes out, there will be clear evidence of the wrongdoing and abuse of the fisa court, the democrats are trying to muddy up the waters. >> you have to give pelosi credit. she was trying to rein in the hounds of her party, saying let's not impeach now. timing isn't right. this will burn itself out before it impacts the election. maria: americans are going to
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the polls to vote. why not just let our democratic process play out and let the american people vote. >> i'm talking about a strategy. if you're using it as a political strategy, make it work for you. this is not working. it's going to burn out before the holiday is over and be forgotten about and schiff is coming out as a negative guy, it's bad for their brand. >> the whole thing that's fascinating, seven in 10 republicans think even if he did it, most politicians went so who cares and four in ten americans are saying who cares. even if they prove all of this to be true, even if that's what happened, most people are saying ho hum. maria: there is no evidence that there was a quid pro quo. testimony after testimony, this last week, keeps blowing a hole in the entire narrative. >> when the ig report comes out, if it is compelling that there was wrongdoing prior to the election, people will feel the same way. the people who support democrats are going to say who cares and people who support the president
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and the administration, republicans are going to say you see, and nothing's going to change. maria: we had breaking news on sunday morning futures yesterday, doug collins and john ratcliffe say the report will be out the first week in december and it is 500 pages, so i don't know that you could have 500 pages to say all was hunky dory. >> what a great christmas gift. that would really go over well. >> will it be in every barns and noble the way -- barnes & noble the way the mueller report was. maria: 2020 vision, michael bloomberg not officially running for president yet, we're expecting it. he's already apologized for stop and frisk. bloomberg spoke to an african american church yesterday in brooklyn. he said the policy unfairly targeted minorities. this as polls show pete buttigieg is leading the pack in iowa. joining us now is former white house extr extra strategic comms
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director, mercedes. assess the field for us. you have bloomberg ready to come in, mayor pete doing really well, better than anybody thought in iowa. how do you see things? >> the field is in chaos right now. you look at the fact that you've had bloomberg going in as well as governor duvall patrick, because they themselves realize they're looking at the field and are nervous that donald trump will beat each and every one of them. so this is a party that's trying to identify who they can relate to. are they going to join the socialist party, which most of them it looks that's the direction and where the energy is at or can they find that moderate ground, but biden is such a weak candidate and while pete is doing better in iowa, can he connect in states like south carolina and other states where there is a higher african american numbers, where i think it becomes a challenge for him. so warren then releases her plans, that seems to have impacted her numbers as well. so against you look at the field
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-- again, you look at the field and it's very flawed. at the end of the day, one thing they don't talk about, they don't talk about the economy. they don't talk about the booming economy, which of course it's because of president trump's policies that have led to where we are today. where we have workers making better wages, where we have consumer confidence up, where we see greater investments in america, that is the untold story and that is the story that the democrats don't want to talk about. maria: they're talking about impeachment. house speaker nancy pelosi inviting president trump to testify now in the ongoing impeachment inquiry. not all democrats are in favor of impeaching the president. on sunday morning futures i spoke with new jersey democrat jeff van drew about how he plans to vote and listen to what he said. we're expecting an impeachment vote some time in december. how will you vote? >> i would imagine that i'll be voting no. now, i always have a codicil, if there's something new, something we haven't heard, something that
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really rises to the level of treason or a high crime, that would be different. but we don't see that. maria: mercedes, what you didn't hear in that sound bite is my follow-up. i said are there other democrat colleagues of yours who have voiced concern that they may vote no as well and he said yes. so we'll see. i mean, this may not be a slam durchdunk in the house, mercede. >> two things. ones is you're seeing that they moved from, for example, the words of quid pro quo to bribery because it plays better with the focus groups. so they're already basically moving the goal post. this what is the democrats are doing. secondly, then you have these democrats who are in these trump districts, you're talking over 24 of those democrats. they've got to be nervous. if they move forward with impeachment -- let's remember, impeachment is so serious. you are literally overturning an election and removing a president. talk about a constitutional crisis. talk about uncertainty in our nation.
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this is where the democrats are willing to go because of their hatred towards the president. it puts these democrats in those trump districts in a very dangerous position. it makes them have to decide. i'm telling you, those voters will react and vote republican if those democrats decide to vote to impeach the president. >> mercedes, good morning. mitch rochell. i want to stay with that topic of those democrats who are in those trump districts, the districts that trump won. how are they messagein messaginr constituents this process, or are they staying quiet? >> that's a great question. those democrats are probably being more quiet than usual in want to talk about other issues. we've got usmca on the table. nancy pelosi's talking about impeaching the president. the administration for a long time, and i was at the white house during this time, has been negotiating with the democrats to get usmca done. this impacts many of those districts that we were talking
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about. and yet congress and these democrats are focused solely on this impeachment process. they can't seem to move the ball on any other piece of legislation. they can't seem to find common ground with republicans on other legislation, like lowering drug prices. it's a big problem for the democrats. if all they can show to the american people is the only thing they want to work on is impeaching the president. maria: i think this will hurt them in the 2020 election. voters want to get things done. what i learned yesterday was incredible. none of the lawmakers are sworn in. they're not under oath. they can say whatever they want and this is what came out yesterday on my show, that adam schiff, he's not punishable for perjury, he can say whatever -- that's why he said we don't know the whistleblower, we would like to meet the whistleblower which is a flat-out lie. later we found out that adam schiff's staff did meet the whistleblower. isn't that unbelievable that everybody -- the witnesses are sworn in but the lawmakers can say whatever they want.
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that's why they want adam schiff to get sworn in and to testify and be a witness. >> it's a flawed process. a lot of people feel that way. i want to ask about your call on bloomberg. i don't recall a strategy where you come in on super tuesday, pour a ton of dollars behind it and try to get traction. do you think this is going to work? they don't know him that well on the west coast. >> there's no question. i think it's a tough haul for bloomberg, not necessarily from a financial standpoint, just because there's so many candidates on the field. you're looking at the fact that if you win iowa, if you win new hampshire, the momentum is on your side. the narrative shifts quickly. people start to basically consolidate and support one candidate. so i think the super tuesday strategy makes it very tricky for bloomberg. i mean, the other question is, does it become a brokered convention because of the fact that the democrats can't agree on one candidate. remember, it's been biden, the one who has been the frontrunner for a long time. he's on weakened ground.
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i think you're going to see -- we have an upcoming debate this week. it's all going to be the same, massive government spending, it's all going to be unrealistic plans that take the country far to the left. and i think that's very concerning to the american people. maria: so the party's not stupid. nancy pelosi has been at this for decades. why is it that they are so left-leaning and anybody who has any moderate approach can't get past go? look what happened to tim ryan. look what happened to howard schultz. >> remember, who votes in these primaries in many cases and in the caucuses are really the strong base. and that base is going to skew even farther to the left. so in a general election you're trying to get the swing voters, independents who could vote republican or democrat. they're the common sense voters in a lot of ways. when you look at the primaries and caucuses, these candidates have to al peel to the far left and what we have seen is that the far left mentality is that
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of late term abortions, is that of a new green deal that would cost trillions of dollars, eliminate the fossil fuel industry, basically try to go after corporate america. and so they have -- their philosophy is that it's very connected to the liberal base which are those people who go out to vote on primary or caucus day. maria: we'll leave it there. mercedes, good to see you this morning. thanks so much. >> thank you so much. maria: did you want to add anything, lee? >> i think the american people are starting to go to the far left. there is this whole -- not all people, but the democrat party is in a fight for its identity right now. i think that's where it's going and that's where people seem to be co-alessing. there's a huge number of people out there that believe the economy isn't working for them. >> how can they win the general election and get the independents to vote for them with some of these crazy ideas. it's got to go back to the center. >> a lot of people said the same
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thing about president trump when he was running, a lot of people said he's running on the wall, he's not going to do it and he has. we may see a candidate that comes up with ideas that are crazy. maria: senior portfolio manager bob dahl is here on the market's record highs and we'll find out what the impeachment is doing to the markets from his stand. the former ceo of cke restaurants, andy posener is here. mark mobius is investing all across the world. we'll get his take on the stock market highs and the potential effects of a warren president p. plus we'll discuss the violence raging in hong kong this morning. hacking disney plus, the streaming service struggling with private privacy issues, hs impacting subdescribes. and check this out, a dog steals the show at a vegas golden knights game this weekend. back in a minute. ♪ all my life, i've been, i've
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maria: welcome back. the faa reportedly wants more control over aircraft approvals. cheryl casone with headlines now. cheryl: according to a report in the journal, the agency is eyeing changing to the aircraft certification process that would give it the agency more oversight. all of this in the aftermath of boeing 737 max crisis. faa chief steven dickson says the faa should be involved as early as the design stages of any new jet. one idea, more consideration for the human element of flying aircraft. that is a nod to pilots and their role in the design of the plane. dickson did not provide a target
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date for the changes to take effect and doesn't plan to unveil any specifics until after the grounded 737 max jets are back in the air and flying. more fallout for wework's failed ipo and $1.2 billion quarterly loss. the new york times reports the company plans to lay off at least 4,000 workers as soon as this week. the newspaper says the number of layoffs could reach 6,000 which would be about a third of the workforce at wework. job cuts are part of wework's five year overhaul plan. and there is this, dunkin getting rid of the foam coffee cups, maria. locations across new england phasing out the foam cups along with the double cup option for customers which is a popular, wasteful way of using a foam cup like a sleeve around your cold drink which i've done that, sorry. the foam cups are not sustainable. the phaseout expected to be complete worldwide by next year. and then finally, check this out. this is benny, the ice skating
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dog. do i need to continue reading the story? i mean, come on. anyway, this happened during the second intermission of a golden knights playing the calgary flames. benny is six years old, was rescued from a shelter and he practiced for a whole year before they put him on the ice. he is raising money for animal charities. maria: i love that. they know when you rescue them. cheryl: oh, yeah. maria: they're grateful. markets hitting record highs this morning, as china said it had constructive trade talks with the united states over the weekend. we've got the latest there. the market impact coming up. futures indicate a higher opening this morning in record territory once again. nike shoe for everyday heros, the company's new kicks for those who do the hardest jobs of all, when we come back. details, next. ♪ if this is how you act. ♪ when you give your heart away. ♪ well, take it back. ♪ take it back. ♪ take it back. ♪ take it back.
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maria: welcome back. this market will not quit. check futures here, dow futures up 80 points right now, hitting record highs. s&p is up 5 and three quarters and the nasdaq futures up 21 and-a-half. however we open, we're going to open in unchartered territory. the dow topped 28,000 on friday, this comes as the u.s. and china continue to negotiate a trade deal. chinese state media is saying both sides had a constructive phone call on saturday. morgan stanley is predicted american equities and corporate bonds will underperform in 2020 as overseas growth will ins crease. joining us now is senior portfolio manager bob dahl. good to see you. what are you expecting from 2020? >> i hope it's a good year.
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look, the recession fears that took us down last december, again in august, are dissipating. that caused the market to rally. further rally has said the fundamentals are going to get better, we're going to have a good economy, we're going to have better earnings. now the economy has to deliver. otherwise it will be a sluggish sort of year. because valuations are not cheap. and expectations in my view for next year's earnings are a little on the high side. analysts are looking for earnings up 9%. i can't get the 9 in my calculation. mariamycalculations. up earnings, yes, but 9 its a big number. >> if you worry about anything, what's the thing you worry about for 2020? >> that's it, the earnings miss. earnings for this year have been coming down slowly but surely and next year they're still up that 9%. a strong economy will get us there. 2% growth will not get us 9% in my view, unless you can manufacture higher profit margins. we're starting to see pressure
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there. labor rates are moving up. >> we squeezed costs pretty much. >> yes, we have. it's got to be the top line. >> if have you to make 5 or 6% which the majority of pensioners and managers have to do next year, let's get over to europe. the narrative was don't touch it, you've got brexit, italy melting down. since august it's outperforming the s&p. do you deploy more capital to europe for next year to achieve the 6% growth, whether through div and capital appreciation. >> for trade, yes. second week in september we had this eight standard deviation event and the market moved from what was working to what has been working the last 60 days, meaning u.s., now it's international. growth, now it's value. defensive stocks. cyclicals have done better. they lagged last week but in the last 60 days they've outperformed noticeably. so we've had a switch in the market, anticipating that the globe's going to do a little better. the united states is the most defensive market of all the big ones. we know that. and if the world gets a little
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better, some money will move outside the u.s. maria: one of the constant criticisms for this economy has been cap ex has slowed, the trade war is having managers sit on cash. nancy lazar from cornerstone says we believe cap ex will be the next sec tear of the economy to subprice on the upside in 2020. she says nfib small business cap ex is -- business production, ex autos and tech showing gains. so what do you think about that. if cap ex turns, that's going to be another leg to the stool that confirms the strengthening economy. >> no question. the cap ex holdback as nancy points out has been uncertainty about the trade. now that we have central banks easing a bunch in 2019, and the trade issue becoming at least less bad, if not a little bit positive, cap ex can pick up again and that's a necessary ingredient to get the profit margins up.
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maria: where do you want to be invested they. >> i want to own what the market has gravitated toward. i want more cyclicals than i did before, i want less defensive stocks. that's the trade there. having known moa money outside s fine. japan's had a rally. you need some emerging markets in your portfolio. don't apa abandon the u.s. maria: india just cut taxes. >> yes, they did. >> and interest rates. >> china cut interest rates overnight. this is more grist for the mill. the path of least resistance remains higher. maria: are you surprised the market is where it is. >> yes, i am. maria: record high after record high. >> the market has done better than i thought. i raised the s&p target up to 29, 50, we're at 3100 now. maria: unbelievable. great to have you. bob dahl. disney plus was hacked, the new service facing privacy concerns. the impact on subscribers,
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coming up. fed ex versus the new york times, get this, the company is hitting back after an article concerning federal taxes was out this morning. we will tell what you the ceo of fed ex wants now. the fallout coming up. ♪ fill me with your poison. ♪ take me. ♪ take me. ♪ want to be a victim. ♪ ready for -- driverless cars, or trips to mars. no commission. delivery drones, or the latest phones. no commission. no matter what you trade, at fidelity you'll pay no commission for online u.s. equity trades. audrey's on it. eating right? on it! staying active? on it. audrey thinks she's doing all she can
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maria: fed joining us now ise former ceo of cke restaurants, author of the book, the capitalist comeback, andy posener. what's your reaction to the fight, the new york times writes the story that fed ex hasn't paid taxes. fred smith wants to talk about this. >> i would love to see that debate. you have a businessman who knows what he's talking about debating people at the new york times who rely on paul krugman, the always confident, rarely correct for their economic policy. fed ex hired people, increased hiring 4% in 2018. they're going to do 7% this year. more people, that's from the new york times article.
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more people are working. they're making more money. they're paying more in income tax. we had nor tax revenue -- more tax revenue in fiscal year 2019. we had $3.5 trillion in revenue versus the last full fiscal year where we didn't have the tax cuts where we had $3.3 trillion in total tax revenue. tax revenue is up. more people are working. they're making more money. they're paying more in taxes because of the tax cuts. they're taking more home. who cares if corporations paid less in tax? the point isn't that we're going to punish corporations with the tax code. the point is we want to raise revenue, create prosperity and help american workers and that's exactly what the tax cuts are doing. >> i'm going to make the assumption that what happened -- i haven't looked at the balance sheet in a while. here's my assumption. basically, they're taking advantage of the accelerating capital cost allowance. if you spend $1 million on a new truck or airplane, you can write it off in a short period of time and avoid paying any tax on it because it's a writeoff. it's good for the economy. it's good for the company. it's good for jobs.
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but it has this one downside that you don't pay tax the year that you're accelerating the capital cost writeoff. is that basically what's happened here? >> that is basically what happened. and i'm going to go back to what bernie sanders said in his fox news townhall when he was interviewed by martha mccallum. they paid what they owed. we have a tax code that was designed to generate the kind of growth that we're seeing, designed to generate the kind of increase in income tax revenue and help for the american workers that's actually occurring. if there are offsets to that, if there are reasons that's happening, who cares. we're not trying to punish american companies. we're trying to help the american people and that's what's -- that's why we have those incentives to invest in the tax code. >> andy, good morning, it's mitch. i loved your op ed in the journal last week. >> thank you. >> one of the things that's interesting is to your point, i think there's a lot of candidates who want to punish business and they want to punish the formation of capital and i think it's not widely understood that it's that capital that
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creates jobs. how does that get messaged the right way? is it just that president trump will tell the story on the campaign trail? we have a lot of candidates who have a complete opposite mess a an. >> it's shows like this. it's publications like the wall street journal. it's guys like you, mitch, coming on the shows and talking about this. it's president trump talking. it's larry kudlow talking. look, we need to get this message out. one of the big criticisms in this article was that companies are using including fed ex the money to do stock buybacks which increase stock price and market values. that's tremendous for the american people. if you have a 401-k plan or if you've got a private pension plan like auto workers or a public pension plan like teachers, firemen and policemen, you are never going to get the benefits you're entitled to if we don't have a vibrant stock market. you will never get the benefits you've been promised. so this is all tremendous for american workers. we're in a great period of prosperity. if we can resolve the trade war,
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if we can get the democrats to stop trying to convince everybody we're going to have a recession. if the fed will stop raising interest rates. i mean, they raised them eight quarters in a row after president trump was elected. if we can get things to calm down, we'll have tremendous economic growth. right now, we are in a period of amazing prosperity for the american people and criticisms like you see in the new york times were absurd. >> andy, i get very concerned, though, when we're always reacting. i always say that people that are reacting are not acting and usually means you're on a losing side of an argument. so in 2015, 2016, we were all reacting to president trump and look what happened. now it seems like we're all reacting to not -- i guess you might call them socialist plans. you might say medicare for all, you talk about wealth tax, unfriendly to corporate environment. when do you think we're going to switch and pivot into putting forward a pro message so they're going to be reacting rather than us?
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>> i think, lee, in some instances they are -- these programs are a reaction. i think one of the reasons that there's such hatred of donald trump is because he is proving with great economic results, with support from the american people, with incomes increasing, he's proving that everything the left tried to feed the american people during the obama administration was a lie. we had terrible economic growth during the obama years. the biggest problem was we had too many unemployed people and not enough jobs. within a matter of months, we switched to an economy where the biggest problem was businesses couldn't find enough people to fill the open, good quality jobs. they're putting -- we're putting the lie to everything they were told during the obama years and the left is reacting. maria: what about the farmers and the trade deal and then i want to ask about usmca, but the president is promising to pay subsidies to farmers to counter act the effects of the china
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trade impasse. he tweeted this, our great farmers will receive another round of cash, complements of china tariffs prior to thanksgiving. the smaller farms and farmers will be big beneficiary. japan deal done. enjoy. andy, your reaction to where the farmers are and house speaker nancy pelosi has put off usmca yet again, she said she was on a path to yes. then she told cbs on sunday she needs assurances on worker protections before bringing the trade deal to a vote. last thursday she said it was imminent in terms of voting yes. what's your reaction there? >> with respect to the farmers, i normally am not in favor of subsidies but i think we're in a trade war. the economy, there is an impact to the economy. it's the good fight. we need to fight it. we need fair trade with china. one of the victims of the fight has been the farmers. i have no problem with the president taking money that we're currently bringing in from tariffs on chinese goods and giving that money to farmers to
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help keep them alive while we go through the fight. with respect to nancy pelosi, she's got a huge problem. her problem is the usmca is a great deal for american workers. it's a great deal for america and american workers. she's got to find a way to make the leftist base and her party happy or sat fide with giving -- satisfied with giving president trump a victory. they don't want president trump to have any victories. what she's trying to toys findy to say to the unions i'm trying to help you. this is the best deal for labor in mexico that you could possibly imagine. it says that people are able to organize, they're able to collectively bargain, they can't be punished, it addresses violence against workers for trying to organize. she's got problems. maria: there's also a provision within usmca that was changed as a result of their pushback that ensures american workers working
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here in the u.s. will make $16 an hour. and they will not compete with any level that mexico pays their workers, which debbie dingell said was $1.50. there is that provision in there. wilbur ross told me he's confident this deal would pass. watch this. >> i think there's no question that if she puts it on the floor it will be overwhelmingly voted. so the real question is when or if she is willing to put it on the floor. for the good of the country, that would be the singular accomplishment of this congress. maria: one of the issues is going to be the single biggest accomplishment of president trump. when you put the tax cuts and the deregulation aside, usmca is apparently going to create 100,000 plus jobs. >> great for canada, great for mexico too. keeps a lot of cap ex in north america. i can't see any downside on this
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deal. maria: don't you think voters are going to get upset if this doesn't go through and will they hold nancy pelosi accountable. >> what they'll get upset about is that nothing is going getti. a lot of people are starting to tune out of all the details. the fact that nothing can get done outsite of impeachment, i think it's frustrating people. there's a lot that needs to get done. there's a lot that's been promised. the democrats won the house back. they expected action. they expected change. they expected things to move forward. and it hasn't. so i think people are going to be frog frustrated. maria: within that impeachment room, it's behind closed doors, it's adam schiff's rules which he keeps changing. any comments from what we saw of lee stefanek. she tried to get her point of interest in there and he shut her down. >> that's a terrible sound bite that can play well in campaign -- >> very bad for his brand. when you think about paths into the new year and the election cycle, i think he hurt his
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brand, hurt the brand of the party. the process looked flawed. >> for sure. >> that little sound bite got more social media than the whole impeachment. and i think it's horrible for him. maria: and andy, the would p tom line is, she was trying to say, look, i have a question. she's a member, a dually elected member of congress and yet his staff gets to ask questions, lawyers but not a dually elected member of congress? >> i don't think the american people -- i think the american people will see through this. i don't think the american people are going to accept this. if you look at the polling over the last week, the support for impeachment declined significantly, opposition to it increased and the president's favorability increased dramatically in the past seven days. the american people aren't going to buy this process. the democrats have themselves in a real box. maria: the president raised money during the impeachment hearings, didn't he. >> yes. maria: his numbers went up in terms of donations. andy, it's good to see you, sir, thank you. quick break and then hacking disany plus, the streaming service struggling with privacy
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maria: welcome back. so it's less than a week in and hackers are already disrupting disney plus service, putting thousands of accounts up for sale. deirdre bolton with more you now. >> maria, the product is less than one week out of the gate and hackers have already put thousands of disney plus
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accounts up for sale. so one user complained on twitter, we pulled this off my twitter feed, not even half a week and my dad's disney plus account has already been hacked. a great security there at disney plus, at disney, unbelievable, hashtag disney plus, obviously a frustrated user. subscribers were locked out of accounts because hackers hacked passwords and shared information online. a tech news site reporting that accounts are being sold in hacker forums from $3 to $11, obviously the higher end is a bit perplexing since if you sign up for disney plus the normal way it's $6.99 a month. still obviously deeper cheapern netflix's basic. disney allowed sharing which i presume the company has done so that families can have ease of use. there is a 10 device limit. but here's the problem. if a hacker is in the account, there's no real easy way to remove them. if you compare that, i'm picking
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one, hulu, for example, the settings will allow you to see which devices are connected to the account and you can remove any that look suspicious through a manage your account section. presumably, disney has not told me this, i'm assuming they are making the same tweaks asap. we have to assume disney would like to get back to the business of focusing on content competition. disney and netflix, they want your christmas eye balls. i'm sure there's a better way to say this. netflix started holiday programming, six new holiday movies, holiday tv series, two cooking christmas competitions. disney plus of course has the classic miracle on 34th street and noel, huge promoted vehicle, original content with anna kendrick. if people are looking as cleaning and wrapping, disney and netflix want your attention as much as the hallmark channel. getting back to having your
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password hacked. i spoke with a white hat hacker this morning, he said don't reuse your passwords. how many times do i have to tell people this. i actually do, for the record. essentially he was telling me that hackers of billions of e-mails, probably all of ours included. if you use the same password, they do this brought force server attack. it's very easy for them and it's very annoying for us. that's the last word. you can call disney plus support if you think you've been affected. maria: deirdre, thank you. coming up, a new study suggests doctors are rethinking traditional cardiac procedures. we have the latest there when we come back. stay with us. any comments doug? yeah. only pay for what you need with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need with liberty mutual. con liberty mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. only pay for what you need... only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liber♪y ( ♪ )
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heart procedures in america have the same effect preventing heart attacks and death as pills and lifestyle changes. the study finds stents should be use sparingly. joining us now is dr. jeanette neshwa. tell us about the study. >> this says that early invasive approach to stable heart disease is not necessary, which means you don't have to rush off to what we call cardiac cath or have a stent placed or go in for surgery just because you have an abnormal stress test or if you have maybe a little bit of chest pain or you're winded if you climb up a flight of stairs. if you're having no chest pain at rest, then it's reasonable to do a round of medications like blood pressure medicines, cholesterol medicines, staten, aspirin, do that instead of rushing to a procedure or surgery. what the study showed was at the end there was no major difference whether you had the
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medicines and surgery or just the medicines alone. there was no reduced reduction in heart attacks or death. if you had a stent or surgery you did feel better quicker. you had less chest pain and it did improve circulation. maria: i know a lot of people in my life that have just completely changed their diet and exercise. they made simple lifestyle changes and they've completely changed their track in terms of heart disease and their potential for living a long life. give us some of the lifestyle improvements that americans should be making. >> you want to try to be as conservative as possible. the most important thing is no smoking. smoking can lead to heart disease and stroke because it constricts your blood vessels. exercise. make sure you have a good body weight, bmi. make sure your cholesterol, blood pressure is normal. all those things, plus make sure you get a good, well balanced diet, lots of fruits and veg
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vegetables. also, staying active works for circulation, reduces stress, helped with your mood. >> can i ask about statens. i understand a lot of doctors have been taking staten as preventative medicine for decades. as i age, i take more pills. i eat pills like candy now. blood pressure, yes. staten, yes. aspirin, yes. i'm doing it on a preventative basis. is this good medicine? tell me i'm right. >> tell me your risk factors. do you smoke, do you exercise, do you have a family history. >> i have a family history. >> sometimes more can be harmful. not everyone needs to be on aspirin. it is possible that you can have early plaque building up in blood vessels that is not hard enough to detect on regular testing. so it can give you some benefit but this -- don't overdo it. you want to save the medicines for if you really truly need them. if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, if you climb up a flight of stairs, it could be beneficial.
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>> what about two glasses of red wine. >> men are allowed to have two, women only one, there is some prove proof that alcohol can in moderation be beneficial for you. maria: doctor, great to see you. thanks for all the tips. we'll take a break. when we come back, we're driving into the future, ford's electronic mustang taking on tesla, next hour, right here, "mornings with maria." (people talking) for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays local. shop small and watch it add up. small business saturday by american express is november 30th. hi honey, we got in early. yeah, and we brought steve and mark. ♪ experience the power of sanctuary
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it's simply a matter of following the signs. they all lead here. cme group - how the world advances. (people talking) for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays local. shop small and watch it add up. small business saturday by american express is november 30th. maria: welcome back. good monday morning, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, november 18. your top stories right now, 8:0. hong kong, more violence overnight. one university engulfed in flames as police fire rounds of tear gas at protesters trying to flee. the city seeing some of the worst violence since protests began six months ago. we're looking at a rally in stocks this morning at the opening of trading. futures are at the highs of the morning, dow futures up 91, s&p up 7, nasdaq futures up 25 points. this on top of a big boost
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friday from optimism over a potential trade deal with china and strong earnings certainly backing up the market. all three major indices closed in record territory. dow cracking 28,000 for the first time ever. s&p was up 23, nasdaq up 61 on friday, all records right there. european indices are mixed this morning after six winning weeks. fq100 up 26, cac is down 4, and dax index in germany lower by 9. in asia overnight, mostly green across the board. china cut interest rates as a result, the chinese market was up two-thirds of a percent, hang seng, hong kong up 1 and a third percent. saudi aramco going public, poised for a valuation of more than $1.5 trillion, that's not even as much as some had hoped for. wait until you see this. ford betting big on electric, the auto giant unveils a new mustang to rival tesla's suv. we take you to the los angeles
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auto show later this hour coming up. divine intervention, kanye west brings his sunday service to a lone star state mega church. coming up this morning. our top story, markets are breaking records once again, the dow passing 28,000 for the first time ever on friday and staying there. futures indicate we will see another record right out of the gate this morning with the dow up 82 points in unchartered territory. s&p up 6, nasdaq up 23, amid heightened confidence over u.s.-china trade and optimism over 2020. chinese officials saying that the u.s. and china had constructive trade talks over the phone on saturday regarding phase one of a broader trade deal. joining me now is the author of invest for you, mark mobius is here. it's always a pleasure to see you. thanks so much for joining me. >> thank you. maria: are you surprised to see record highs going on in the u.s.? this market will not quit. >> not really. i expected that this market will continue to be very, very strong
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in view of what's happening in the economy and of course interest rates, with interest rates going lower and lower and lower. everybody has to be in stocks in order to get hopefully some dividends. that's really the key, i think. maria: so china lowered interest rates overnight as you know. tell me how you see that and whether or not the chinese economy slowdown as a result of some of this uncertainty around trade is going to spill over into the world economy. >> i think it's a very interesting move on the part of china and it's somewhat risky for them to lower interest rates at this stage. they want to attract more foreign capital because there's a slowdown in the economy as we all know. and of course the situation in hong kong doesn't look good. so i think on the other hand, they realize they have to match what the other countries around the world are doing, particularly the united states. so it gives them a little bit of room to lower rates. maria: how do you see the backdrop? morgan stanley is out with a prediction this morning, saying that american equities and corporate bonds will
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underperform next year as overseas growth will increase. tell me how you're allocating capital right now and do you think the u.s. economy's strength is in any jeopardy of reversing course any time soon? >> i don't think the u.s. economy is going to reverse any time soon. i think you're going to still see very, very strong growth, good economy here in the u.s. of course, the trade problems with china will always weigh on consumer products and consumer prices. but even then, a lot of the suppliers have already made arrangements to get supplies from other parts of the world. so that really doesn't worry me. what is happening is that people are beginning to think, well, maybe we should look overseas and now that we have this incredible market in the u.s., let's di versus diversify. if you look at surveys of institutional investors for example, most of them want to put more into emerging markets. it is true that the u.s. dollar
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will probably not be as strong as it has been up to now and some of these emerging market currencies will begin to strengthen and outpace what the u.s. is doing. maria: so when you look at what's on the docket for '19, going into '20, you've got usmca, you've got a couple other issues around trade with china as well as europe. should we see you auto auto tan vehicles coming out of europe. how worried are you about the things hanging in the balance? >> that's the reason why i'm not worried in the balance for the u.s. economy is because if there are tariffs put on the european automobiles, the u.s. automobiles will look very, very good. so you must remember that the u.s. economy is the largest economy in the world. china's big, but the u.s. is still driving the global economy. and if the u.s. looks good, everybody looks pretty good as
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well. so that's the key. maria: so when you look overseas, where do you want to invest in addition to the united states? tell me about that. because india recently, what, cut taxes, cut rates as well. china overnight as well. brazil seems to be showing some growth. where in the emerging markets are you allocating capital right now, mark? >> i just came back from india. india's at the top of the list. the modi administration is making a lot of good reforms, very, very good growth prospects going forward. there's been a little bit of a slowdown this year but next year i think we'll do very well. china still looks pretty good. brazil is looking very, very interesting with reforms taking place. but we must remember, there's a lot of political things happening globally. you can see riots all over the world as a result of people unhappy with what their governments are doing. now, on the one hand that's positive but on the other hand it upsets people and markets get
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affected. so i think we've got to watch that space very carefully. the internet impact is incredible and everybody with smartphone smartphones in their hands can organize demonstrations anywhere in the world and that's having a big impact. maria: it's also incredibly easy to buy on your phone. i bought a bike the other day. i did it in five minutes. let me ask you about 2020. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren making taxing the wealthy a big part of her campaign, going so far as to stop attending fundraisers hosted by rich donors. do you see her going through with these promise ifs elected and what's your take on this sort of war on the wealthy? >> i don't think there's any chance of this happening, frankly. simply because people don't want the government to be interfering in their wealth. whether you're rich or multibillionaire or just a guy that earns $100,000 or $50,000 a year. so i don't see that as something happening. of course, the danger is a that if they do impose a wealth tax
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you're going to see the exit of money from the u.s. to other parts of the world because the other countries, particularly emerging markets, would love to accept some of this money. so i don't think this is going to be a big problem. maria: your take on hong kong, mark, the violence raging there, no end in sight. it's been six months already. do you see this affecting markets long term as well as hong kong's stance as a global commerce center, i always say that i've always looked at hong kong as equivalent to london and new york, as a global financial hub. frankly, i just don't see it that way anymore. >> i'm really worried about hong kong and it's amazing how this thing has gone on and again, as i mentioned, it's the internet, the fact that these people can continue to organize and figure out ways to get around the police tactics. so i'm really worried about hong kong. you must remember, hong kong is a major financial center. the key is what china does. if china decides to walk in, then this is going to be a problem globally. not only for hong kong, but for
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china. interestingly enough, the hang seng index keeps moving up. up to now, it hasn't had an impact but if this goes on much more or becomes more violent, then there could be a problem. maria: do you think we will get a deal with china? >> i don't think in the long run there will be a deal in the sense of getting a comprehensive change in what's happening in china and their attitude towards trade and investment globally. but i think short term there will be deals. in other words, it will be an incremental process that will take many, many years. and it depends a lot on changing attitudes in china and of course the u.s. as well. maria: i think you make a good point. it's hard to overturn culture and it's been the culture to just steal intellectual property and force the transfer of technology, the two issues that are really important to the u.s. final question, mark. you're in washington today. you see what's going on in terms of the election next year. the economy doing very well.
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do you want to buy u.s. stocks today? >> yes. i would buy some u.s. stocks. particularly those stocks that are globally oriented, in other words, there are a lot of companies in the u.s. that are in emerging markets in fast-growing markets, those are the stocks i'm interested in. so it's a very interesting question because you must not look at the u.s. stock market as just the u.s. it's really a global market, many cases. maria: we will leave it there. mark, great to see you again. thanks so much. >> thank you. maria: focus on impeachment inquiry, more public hearings being held this week, eight witnesses this week in two days. diplomatic figures intertwined with u.s./ukraine relations. blake berman is at the white house with more on that. >> reporter: good morning. eight witnesses this week, week two of the impeachment hearings, the open session hearings that includes four tomorrow and then gordon sondland, the u.s. ambassador to the european union on wednesday.
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he is the headliner this week or at least expected to be as he's had direct discussions with president trump and has testified that he presumed that security assistance for ukraine was contingent upon an announcement from ukraine there would be an investigation into barisma of which hunter buy accident sat on the board. heading into week two, republicans are arguing that week one was just a waste of time. >> if you only get one chance to make a first impression, i think the impression of the american people is what is this about and why are we here. >> reporter: on sunday morning futures, one of the two democrats who voted against the impeachment inquiry said that he feels that some in his party are worried about the long-term implicationses. >> implications. >> there is some discussion among some of them quietly, privately of concern, of concern, certainly. what i'm hearing out in the street is --
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>> reporter: nancy pelosi suggested over the weekend as well that president trump himself should head up to the hill and testify. >> the president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants if he wants to. >> you don't expect him to do that. >> if he wants to take the oath of office. or he could do it in writing. he has every opportunity to present his case. >> reporter: this was part of the defense from the president over the weekend, writing on twitter, at one point, quote, republicans and a others must remember the ukrainian president and foreign minister both said that there was no pressure placed on them whatsoever, also they didn't even know the money was paid and got the money with no condition. why isn't germany, france, europe paying. maria, here we go, to start week two of the impeachment inquiry. eight hearings this week. maria: blake, thank you. >> reporter: or witnesses. maria: exactly. blake berman at the white house this morning.
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joining the conversation this morning, former goldman sachs vice chairman and kissinger associates vice chairman, robert hormath is here. will weigh in on the growing violence in hong kong. stuart varney weighs in as well. good when we come back, saudi ao seeking the world's biggest initial public offering, valuing the ipo up to $1.7 trillion, and those not teen high of the expectations. the plan to take the competition, coming up. kanye west's holy grail, the rapper takes his christian faith on the road, leading a moment of worship with pastor joel osteen in houston for more than two hours. ♪ maria: all the details on the sunday service when we come back. stay with us. ♪ father we stretch our hands to
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because for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays in the community. join me and american express on small business saturday, november 30th, and see how shopping small adds up. maria: welcome back. another mass shooting overnight to report. cheryl casone on headlines now. cheryl: that's right, maria. a sunday night tragedy to tell you about. four people confirmed dead. after least six wounded after a mass shooting at a home in fresno, california. family and friends were in the backyard of the home watching the rams, bears game when shots rang out. police are searching for that shooter. we're getting more information on what could be the world's largest initial public offering, saw city aramco is valuing its ipo at up to $1.7 trillion. that's short of what the crown prince originally targeted, $2 trillion. they will sell 1.5% of the company or 3 3 billion shares.
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at the mid point of the price range, they would raise nearly $25 billion. and kanye west bringing his divine inspiration to the lone p star state. ♪ cheryl: yeah, the rapper hosted a free sunday service experience yesterday at joel osteen's lakewood mega church in houston. kanye sang songs with the choir from his latest album. we will take you to houston later on in the hour. back to nfl news, it's not colin kaepernick. is rob gronkowski going to come out of retirement and play with the patriots again? he teased the big announcement ahead of a major deadline. he has until november 30th to
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make the decision if he wants to return to the former team in time for the playoffs. he retired in march, citing health issues. he's been pretty busy, but it could be something else. i don't know. maria: he teased the announcement. cheryl: something. we'll let you know tomorrow. maria: thank you. coming up, hong kong campuses turning into battle diss groune university engulfed in flames. it was some of the most violent protests yet. it's being gone on more than six months. ford takes on tesla with a new suv and the mustang brand. back in a minute with a that. ash -- with that. ♪ don't let me down. ♪ don't let me down. ♪ forgive me for what i do. ♪ it's up to you. ♪ don't let me down
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maria: welcome back. they're electric, a new breed of vehicles taking over the los angeles auto show this week. jeff flock is live with the very latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: it's all about electric, i'll tell you, maria. this is what they call the karma, a chinese company making cars in the u.s. the only chinese automobile company making cars in the u.s. we're getting an exclusive look inside this factory today. the big story of the day is another electric vehicle, it is an electric suv. and why is it the big story? because it's a ford. and it is a mustang. can you believe it? the pony car, the open it epits powered excitement goes electric and goes to an suv. big unveil last night in los
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angeles. this is a car that gets between 230 and 300 miles of range on a full charge. that's exciting. you can get 47 miles of range with a charge of just 10 minutes on one of those fast chargers. got push button door handles, it's got all sorts of new technology. ford is betting a lot on it. while the karma is being made in the u.s., this mustang suv unlike the other mustangs will be made in mexico. and i talked to jim hackett, the ceo of ford, at the unveil about that. he defended the decision. take a listen. >> and to change a factory from gas to electric or, worse, mix the two, is not smart industrially. so this is a plant we had capacity in, more than two years ago. but in parallel with the uaw negotiations, we made it really clear to our partners that we're making a big commitment to electric electrification in the united
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states. >> reporter: and in fact, jim hackett is right, they've got a big commitment to electrification. the other thing i talked to him about is this too soon, a lot of people are suspicious about electric vehicles. it's one thing to have this beautiful sports car and maybe you see them under -- being built as we speak here, it's one thing to have a sports car be electric but if it's an suv, is there a market for that? i guess we will soon find out. big story of the day. maria: all right, jeff. thank you. looks good out there, actually. lot of interesting good looking cars, all electric. >> they're making it in mexico, underscores the fact that usmca hasn't been signed, all the more reason to get it signed. maria: good point. quick break and then hong kong crisis, violent protests taking over the city as a court rules that the mask ban is unconstitutional. we have the latest. plus, colin kaepernick's new controversy this morning, the quarterback was supposed to show up at skills but a last minute move stirred up a whole new debate. back in a minute.
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so why isn't it all about you when it comes to your money? so. what's on your mind? we are a 97-year-old firm built for right now. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual. maria: welcome back. good monday morning, everybody, thanks so much for joining us. it is monday, november 18th. your top stories on the east coast, hong kong unrest. some of the most violent protests break out this weekend. one university in hong kong engulfed in flame as police fire rounds of tear gas at protesters trying to flee. back at home, futures are giving up some steam in a big way. take a look at what has happened in theç last 20 minutes, s&p hs gone negative and the nasdaq also negative, lower with by 5. we were looking at a very strong opening. something just happened in the last 15 minutes to turn this market around after a record
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week for the markets last week. in fact, on friday the dow hit a major milestone, breaking through 28,000 for the first time ever. it was up 222 points. all the major indices were at record highs. european markets right now, paris is down 25, and the dax index in germany is down 70. in a asia overnight, mostly green across the board. china cut interest rates, and that had the shanghai composite up two-thirds of a percent. colin kaepernick failing to get an nfl offer after sparking a new controversy with his weekend workout. plus, kanye's divine inspiration, bringing his sunday service to a lone star state mega church. we're going to take you live to houston later on this hour. our top stories, violence raging in hong kong, police clashes with protesters. authorities had try thed to storm the campus but were
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stopped by fires at the entrance. hong kongç and a court in hong kong rules that a mask ban is unconstitutional. i spoke with next digital founder jimmy lye earlier in the program. here is what he said about the current situation. why aren't they feeling better about the situation today? >> because the police violence has ins grated people to -- instigated people. people cannot trust the chinese anymore without a universal suffrage. we know that our freedom will always be encroached. maria: joining us right now is bob hormats. box great to see you. >> good to be here. maria: your reaction to what's taking place in hong kong. >> well, it doesn't seem to be getting any better. this was more violence than i had seen in a while. but i don't really know what the end game is here. i think that's really the thing that has to be worked out, and
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it's probably going to have to be worked out within hong kong. when i was in china just last week, they want to stay out of it. they do not want to move in. there's a lot of feeling that they want to be, continue to be restrained in the way they deal with it. presumably -- maria: yeah, but, bob, they're firing tear gas. their not restrained, the chinese. >> the chinese are not the ones who are doing this,ç these are the hong kong police who are doing this, not the chinese. maria: and you don't think the chinese state wants to get involved in this. >> i definitely think they do not want to get involved in this. i think this is the last thing they want to get involved n. they are deliberately staying out of it, and i don't think the notion that the pla, the chinese army, is going to come in is something that they want to do at all. maria: do you think this puppets any pressure on xi jinping to do a deal with donald trump on trade? >> not really. i think they've separated the two. maria: i see. >> so calling the hong kong
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agitation, whatever you want to call this thing -- which is really a domestic problem in their city -- >> yes. >> that was just one university. that was not two million people in the streets anymore, that's just students in a suburban polytechnical institute. that's what i've been told happened. for people in hong kong, it was not that big a deal. i know it got some press, there's the fire, all that, but they don't -- i don't want to discount the plight of the students, but the reason the markets don't care is it's just not that big a deal. >> it is an issue within hong kong. i think you start out on exactly the right point. this is an issue within hong kong, and they're going to have to figure it out within the there are a lot of things going on in hong kong, and there are large parts of hong kong that are unaffected by this. in fact, the rural parts of hong kong -- >> china, they don't show that tape in china. we see it but they don't see it,
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right? >> they see things periodically, but not the coverage we see here. they're aware things are going on, but they do not see -- >> if i'm a skeptic, are we getting us students just to supply us tape to america? is that really what's going on here? >> no, i think there's a lot of american press looking for this and a lot of hong kong press following it. a lot of people who i've talked to, including from china who come from hong kong, said e in their area, their neighborhood this violence is not occurring. central, which is where the big action is, there are a lot of rural parts of hong kong, and they seem to be operating in a very normal way. maria: didn't china want to ban masks? you and i had dinner in hong kong. >> we did. maria: i remember that. and at that time is when i thought hong kong was this incredible international hub for business, and yet, you know -- well, the point is didn't china want the masks banned? >> i don't recall they wanted the masks banned, but i -- maria: facial recognition cameras all over the place.
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of i'm questioning that china count want to get -- doesn't want to get involved in this, iç what i'm questioning. they were kind of -- the people wouldn't see them because there's facial recognition cameras all over the place. >> well, the irony is, go to your point, it still is a major financial market, and it's -- look, the financial activities there seem to be continuing in a relatively normal way, and business -- except for business what they call central, is continuing in a relatively normal way. there are major elements where we see this happening, but this is a bigger place than just that. and i think the chinese simply do not want to get involved, and i do not think they want to send the pla in at all. they have a lot of things that they're doing on the mainland, and this is, i think, it's -- they're concerned about it, but i don't think it's top of their priority list. it doesn't get the kind of attention, as kevin's pointed out, that we're seeing here. >> but, bob, to that point, and we talk about that a lot on this
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show, does this is have a long-term impact on hong kong as a viable place? when you think about it from from a capital markets perspective, you want rule of law and stability, and right now if you're thinking of doing something in hong kong, you don't have that. >> i think if it lasts indefinitely, for a much longer period of time, it will, i think, undermine hong kong internally. in terms ofç the credibility of foreign investors coming in. and some of the financial markets and financial activities shift to shanghai -- >> which mainland china may like very much. >> and they're also seeing the airport in san zenning pick up a lot of business. you can drive into china or -- >> bob, you were in china last week. when can i sue minute for my ip -- somebody for my ip i'm getting ripped off on? >> you told me. i actually think we're talking about areas, since we're going to the china negotiations, there is one area where i feel more
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optimistic about than most, and that is intellectual property protection for two reasons. one, they want to continue to get more foreign investment into china. that's important to create jobs, and the economy is weakening. it's not really weakening because of the american tariffs. they've been deleveraging, and now they're going to try to sort of slow down that deleveraging, but they do want foreign investment. they have a new foreign investment law. the thing about china, mainland china now, is that they have a lot of intellectual property of their own, and they want that protected. they want it protected here, and a lot of their entrepreneurs want it protectedç in china. maria: they will not agree to an enforcement mechanism in this deal. in other words, the trump administration wants kind of a promise that they are going to keep their promise in terms of not stealing intellectual property, but they don't want to codify it into law. >> the interesting thing is what's going on now. they passed this thing called the foreign investment law, the
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fil. they're doing the regs at this point as we speak. there is a strong understanding there about the importance of implementation and making sure that if you have a problem, you can go to these special courts and have it dealt with. i think actually more and more that issue is going to be not wiped away completely, but i think there's going to be more progress on this than most people anticipated, because their own entrepreneur want it as well as foreign investors from the united states. they want jobs, foreign investment creates jobs. the private sector in china creates jobs, and the private sector there is really innovative. maria: yeah. you make a good point about them wanting their own intellectual profit real quick on the economy, the economy there has slowed. what's your take on the u.s. economy and the impact of the global economy having a tough time generating any growth in europe, that's for sure. >> well, that's true. i think in china they're rates, they're lowering reserve requirements, they're going to
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provide more money for infrastructure particularly to help move people from rural china into urban china. all of that, i think, should -- it won't cause china to go back to the growth rates of two or will keep them in the 6% range, give or take. maria: pretty good. >> it's pretty good. and the big thing in china is they're not as preoccupied with the target of 6%. they're more focused on the restructuring of the chinese economy to make sure it's more efficient. and utilize ares capital more efficiently. maria: bob, good to have you this morning. fox business alert, t-mobile ceo john ledger announcing he will ten down next year. he will be succeeded by the president and coo mike see accelerate, beginning may 1, 2020. ledger will remain a board member. shares are lower on the news and, of course, last week we were speculating whether or not john ledger would step down to take a different ceo job.
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we're going to take a look at that end of it. when we come back, kaepernick's fumble. the former nfl star not receiving any offers after his weekend workout. thenç this, kanye west taks his christian faith on the road leading a moment of worship with pastor joel osteen in houston for more than two hours. we've got the highlights coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪
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maria: welcome back. violence raging in hong kong overnight as police clash with protesters at a well known university. joining us now, stuart varney, to weigh in on that. good morning, stu. >> good morning, maria. you know, i actually take it -- not take fit personally, but i have a personal reaction to this news out of hong kong because that's where i got my start in the media. in the very early 1970s, i very luckily landed a job with radio hong kong, and for two years i was on the streets of hong kong with my little tape recorder running around reporting on what was going on. now, if i go back to those days, it was a british colony, for heaven sake. it was a british imperial government. and yet there was a totally free
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press, and there was a free market, and there was real individual liberty. and i thrived on it. i loved it. so my personal response here is i'm truly saddened to see what's going on in hong kong right now. it's not the city that i knew. it is bitterly divided, and there's a war on the streets. i'd go so far as to say that those young people fighting in hong kong for their free om are the most active pro-democracy freedom fighters in the world, and they're fighting an intransigent communist government in beijing. maria: yeah. >> and i'm with 'em all the way, but i just wanted to give you a personal view of this, because i do take this personally. it is a personal situation for me x. susan lee, my colleague here on fox, on the show. maria: very interesting, or stu. can i just ask that when i see you and i'm coming on your show at 10:30, can we talk about this rip-roaring rally, please? >> oh, yeah. [laughter] oh, yeah. be my guest.
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maria: okay. >> do you want me to talk about that now? maria: not. i'm going to see you in 45 minutes. >> deal. maria: "varney & company" begins at 9:00 eastern. first though, more controversy for colin kaepernick. the quarterback made a last minute move that stirred up a holy debate. then kanye west's hole -- holy grail, leading a movement of workshop -- wore worship, rather, with pass sor joel osteen in houston more than two hours. we've got the highlights next. ♪ ♪ (people talking) for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays local. shop small and watch it add up. small business saturday by american express
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maria: welcome back. so rapper kanye west appealer at pastor joel osteen's church service yesterday. fox news religion correspondent lauren green is covering the story. she's in houston. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, maria. this was no ordinary church service. this was kanye west's religious experience. there were prayers. joel osteen gave aer monox they did have a -- the 20,000 plus seat lakewood church in houston swayed and rocked to kanye west's sunday services. the grammy award-winning rapper and entrepreneur brought a full gospel choir to largest christian congregation in america, teaming upç with pastr joel osteen. this is really the meeting of two megastars, the preacher and the rapper making faith cool. west coming here to talk about his recent faith conversion which is still garnering some
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skepticism to promote his new album, jesus is king. but at the morning service, west only talked to oste e en about his faith, and then later they spoke to the press about the importance of their collaboration. >> i think it's an historic day for us. i don't know, coming together just kind of two different worlds. i just, when i heard what kanye was with doing and kind of the change in his life, i thought, you know, with the responsibility god's given me is how can i reach out and help him. >> it feels like all of this was meant to be. god has has already had the plan of bringing me up in the church. he gave me a theme song, basically, that i can't go anywhere without doing this song which is "jesus walks." >> reporter: kanye's next project is promoting an opera about nebuchadnezzar, a powerful man that god bricks to his news -- brings to miss knees to
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make him a believer. he's making a big difference, because the american bible society saw an uptick in the googling of andç kanye and christian, so they made 1,000 bibles available to kanye friends. at last opportunity to they have now given -- count they have now given away more than 10,000 bibles. maria? maria: wow, amazing. lauren green in houston this morning. joining us now, jack brewer, talking about a lot of things. jack, first, your reaction to what kanye just did. >> glory to god, man. glory to god. the bible tells us to use our voices for his will to bring people to him. you know, it's a shame that, you know, you have people talking against him, calling it a publicity stunt. this is god's work. there are souls being saved in those rooms, and i'm just on my knees praying for him, maria. maria: i love what he did. i think it's great. >> i think it's fantastic. people love a comeback story. people love this kind of thing, and he's using his voice for
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good. so many people are excited, inner energized, i see so many people talking about it online, and it's a great conversation that's modernizing very important faith. maria: and stoking people's interest and loyalty to their faith. >> that's right. >> positive message in a very difficult time in america, put it that way. maria: yeah. >> this is inclusive, not divisive. maria: yeah. let me move on to colin t)y another fumble here. the quarterback reportedly failing to get an nfl offer after sparking a new controversy with his weekend workout. colin moved the workout at the last minute. a lot of team it is did not make it. what's your reaction? >> well, i've been a colin kaepernick fan on the field. he was an amazing quarterback, he could run, but the guy says he wants to work, but now he's trying to it the conditions of his interview, you know? if you go interview for a job, you cannot set the rules. if they tell you to be somewhere, you be there. and i think it just shows you
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really that for him it's more about how he's looking, and he's trying to promote a message. but promote your message on your time, not on the team that you're trying to play for. maria: yeah, it's a good point. and then this is the cleveland browns, myles garrett reportedly looking to appeal his suspension for attacking steelers' quarterback mason rudolph with his hell -- helmet. you wrote an op-ed, punish myles garrett but don't charge him with a crime. explain. >> what he did was wrong. he feels terrible about it. you hear him talk, look in his eyes, he wishes he wouldn't have done it. he was in the heat of the battle, and i've been there. getting yourself hyped up for a football game, people got that remember, ifç you do half the things on the football field on the streets, they lock you up for it. you've got to get ready to hit people. and the quarterback, rudolph, tried to pull his helmet off first, he kicked the guy in the groin area, so it wasn't unprovoked. we've got to remember that.
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you know, i think myles garrett will come back and play at some point, probably not this season, but he's definitely going to learn his lesson. >> hey, jack, good morning, it's mitch. one of the things i worry about, and football's losing popularity with kids, but what kind of message does this send to children who aspire to be football players when you see behavior like that that's unbecoming any professional? >> i've said it on this show, football's not a sport that little kids need to be playing anyway. i'm one that say kids should start plague once they get in high school. -- playing once they get in high school. it's not good on any level, to see someone hit somebody with a helmet that doesn't have a helmet on, but the things that were being said and done on that football field, only those guys know. and you have a bond, we have a bond each other as nfl players. we've all made mistakes, you know, and i'm just on my knees praying that myles learns from this mistake and gets better. if you look at him, he's never had issues off the field, he has
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great character, a texas kid, and i just hope the best for him.ç maria: rough sport. jack, we're going to see you back here soon, i hope. >> yes, sir -- yes, ma'am. maria: thank you so much. [laughter] >> it's my home. maria: can't wait for you to join "mornings with more -- maria" on set. final thoughts up ex-n. ♪ ♪ diamonds shine like me.
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or trips to mars. no commission. delivery drones, or the latest phones. no commission. no matter what you trade, at fidelity you'll pay no commission for online u.s. equity trades. maria: final thoughts from this all-star panel. kevin? >> i have to say, you know, thanksgiving is always the time we start to think of q1, if you are involved in money management. i'm loving the market. i don't see any change in policy and i'll remind everybody one thing, not that i want to get into politics, there's never been in modern time a change in administration when unemployment is below 4%. forget about impeachment. i think this administration sticks around. >> listen, i looked at the polls on impeachment and saw no change. i'm not all that surprised. when you look at the things, 50%
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of americans believe it's difficult to know whether the information they encounter is true. it's not surprising that people aren't changing what they believe. maria: real quick? >> big week for housing data. as housing goes, so does the economy. we will be looking at that. maria: we will be watching housing for sure. thanks, everybody. have a great day, everybody. see you tomorrow. "varney & company" begins now. stuart: good morning, maria. good morning, everyone. big smile. here we go again, another round of stock market records. first thing on a monday morning. for the first time ever, the dow looks very very very likely to open above 28,000. it's almost exactly 10,000 points above where it was when donald trump was first elected. what's behind this historic rally? okay. one, strong economy. two, strong profits. three, positive china trade talks. four, the impeachment drive will surely fail in the senate. that pleases investors. five, the democrats may be facing a brokered convention with a weakened nominee and a


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